Monday, April 12, 2010

ODI LOST Podcast 62 - Interview with Henry Ian Cusick

The ODI interviews LOST's Henry Ian Cusick who plays time-traveling and flashing Desmond.

MP3 File


a70eezchild said...

That was a wonderful interview... thank you so much for it!

The HIC fans have been over the hills ecstatic with the Des-centric episode and the recent written interviews. But getting to hear Ian talk about the show and answer questions is a huge treat!

Thanks to Ian for the Sistahood shout-out, and for being such a gracious "celebrity" and fabulous human being. We are indeed a family and it is our honor to support you, your tremendous talent and your kind heart!


a70eezchild said...

For additional information on the Campaign to Save the Ramshorn that Ian spoke about in his interview:

Final curtain for Glasgow's Ramshorn Theatre?

Lost star Henry Ian Cusick joins local campaign to save Ramshorn Theatre

Henry Ian Cusick in pledge to save the Ramshorn Theatre

Facebook group Save the Ramshorn from closure

jenthegypsy said...

What an awesome parting gift! Thank you so very much for an excellent interview.

As one of the Sistahood, I can only echo Mianne's eloquently put statement of thanks to both the interviewer and the interviewee ~ Ian, your fangirls salute you and stand ready to continue the love and support, wherever the road next leads you.

Best of luck ~
